Showing posts with label Discuss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Discuss. Show all posts

Why do people cursed and swear but still continue to watch a serie?

Source: Attacked by Rotten Tomatoes
I've just finish watching a drama that is very very bad (Well, fast forwarding through a whole chunk of it).

How bad was it? You may ask. It very bad like weak plot, boring characters and predictable plots. I was pretty annoyed when I finished the finale episode, still…

Because You don't have a proper job, that's why you're buying budget items!

Well, I know this blog is supposed to cover about budget/underdog items and brands... however, I've just hear rude comments from someone (not close) that I decided to discuss about it here.

I admit that I'm a little offended by the way the person put the message across.

It happened when I told her th…

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